因應疫情考慮,來訪香港公司, 需申報健康狀況并佩戴口罩, 及恕不招待37.3度以上的客戶,請見諒 (In consideration of the epidemic situation, when visiting iGift, pls declare your health condition and wear a mask, and sorry that whoever 's temperature above 37.3 degrees or without wearing mask will not be served.)
Name *
你是否過去 14 日內曾與任何確診人士或懷疑確診人士(無論在香港或海外)有密切接觸 ?(Have you had close contact with any confirmed or suspected confirmed person (whether in Hong Kong or overseas) in the past 14 days?) *
你是否曾接受2019冠狀病毒測試,並且結果為陽性?(Have you ever been tested for the 2019 coronavirus and the result was positive?) *
如有以下徵狀,請加上 剔(If you have the following symptoms, please tick ) *