如 政府部門或公營機構, 提供政府機構制服、政府行業制服、公營企業制服、公營機構制服、員工制服、行政套裝、T恤、Polo-shirt、風褸、衛衣、Zipup外套、背心外套、功能性運動衫,及帽款
等等給以下客戶, 當中包括:
名稱 | Name |
漁農處 | Agriculture and Fisheries Department |
建築署 | Architectural Services Department |
審計署 | Audit Commission |
醫療輔助隊 | Auxiliary Medical Service |
屋宇署 | Buildings Department |
工商服務業推廣署 | Business and Services Promotion Unit |
商業牌照資料中心 | Business Licence Information Centre |
政府統計處 | Census and Statistics Department |
中央政策組 | Central Policy Unit |
政務司司長辦公室 | Chief Secretary for Administration's Office |
民眾安全服務隊 | Civil Aid Service |
民航處 | Civil Aviation Department |
土木工程署 | Civil Engineering Department Home Page |
公務員事務局 | Civil Service Bureau |
公務員培訓處 | Civil Service Training and Development Institute |
公司註冊處 | Companies Registry |
政制事務局 | Constitutional Affairs Bureau |
香港海關 | Customs and Excise Department |
衛生署 | Department of Health |
律政司 | Department of Justice |
渠務署 | Drainage Services Department |
經濟局 | Economic Services Bureau |
教育統籌局 | Education and Manpower Bureau |
教育署 | Education Department |
機電工程署 | Electrical and Mechanical Services Department |
勞工處就業科 | Employment Services Division |
環境保護署 | Environmental Protection Department |
行政會議 | Executive Councillors |
庫務局 | Finance Bureau |
財政司司長辦公室 | Financial Secretary's Office |
財經事務局 | Financial Services Bureau |
政府飛行服務隊 | Government Flying Service |
政府車輛管理處 | Government Land Transport Agency |
政府產業署 | Government Property Agency |
政府物料供應處 | Government Supplies Department |
香港機場核心計劃 | Government's New Airport Projects Co-ordination Office |
衛生福利局 | Health and Welfare Bureau |
路政署 | Highways Department |
民政事務局 | Home Affairs Bureau |
民政事務總署 | Home Affairs Department |
懲教署 | Hong Kong Correctional Services |
消防處 | Hong Kong Fire Services Department |
政府化驗所 | Hong Kong Government Laboratory |
房屋委員會及房屋署 | Hong Kong Housing Authority and Housing Department |
人民入境事務處 | Hong Kong Immigration Department |
海事處 | Hong Kong Marine Department |
香港天文台 | Hong Kong Observatory |
香港警務處 | Hong Kong Police |
香港特別行政區政府資訊中心 | Hong Kong SAR Government Information Centre |
香港郵政 | Hongkong Post |
醫院事務署 | Hospital Services Department |
房屋局 | Housing Bureau |
工業署 | Industry Department |
政府新聞處 | Information Services Department |
資訊科技及廣播局 | Information Technology and Broadcasting Bureau |
資訊科技署 | Information Technology Services Department |
稅務局 | Inland Revenue Department |
知識產權署 | Intellectual Property Department |
投資促進部 | Investment Promotion Website |
司法機構 | Judiciary |
勞工處 | Labour Department |
土地註冊處 | Land Registry |
地政總署 | Lands Department |
法律援助署 | Legal Aid Department |
香港持牌酒店及賓館 | Licensed Hotels/Guesthouse |
管理參議署 | Management Services Agency |
禁毒處 | Narcotics Division |
電訊管理局 | Office of the Telecommunications Authority |
法定語文事務署 | Official Languages Agency |
破產管理署 | Official Receiver's Office |
規劃署 | Planning Department |
規劃環境地政局 | Planning, Environment & Land Bureau |
政府印務局 | Printing Department |
臨時區議會 | Provisional District Boards |
臨時區域市政局 | Provisional Regional Council |
公共圖書館 | Provisional Regional Council Public Libraries |
市政總署 | Provisional Urban Council & Urban Services Department |
香港電台 | Radio Television Hong Kong |
差餉物業估價署 | Rating & Valuation Department |
區域市政總署 | Regional Services Department |
選舉事務處 | Registration and Electoral Office |
保安局 | Security Bureau |
社會福利署 | Social Welfare Department |
學生資助辦事處 | Student Financial Assistance Agency |
工業教育及訓練署 | Technical Education and Industrial Training Department |
影視及娛樂事務管理處 | Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority |
拓展署 | Territory Development Department |
香港立法會 | The Legislative Council |
愛滋病服務組 | The Virtual AIDS Office of Hong Kong |
工商局 | Trade and Industry Bureau |
貿易署 | Trade Department |
運輸局 | Transport Bureau |
運輸署 | Transport Department |
旅行代理商註冊處 | Travel Agents Registry |
庫務署 | Treasury Department |
水務署 | Water Supplies Department |
工務局 | Works Bureau |
政府千年蟲網站 | Year 2000 millennium Hong Kong |